We’ve just finished rolling out new changes across our platform for Season 18 of racing on PitSkill.io, let’s take a look at some of the major ones this season!

Daily Race Changes
We ran a few polls last season regarding what you’d like to see in our daily races, and the biggest voted poll was to have more drivers, rather than more races, so we’ve reduced the ‘spread’ of events across the week to concentrate on the 2 daily race formats which we’re now providing for everyone, whether it’s your first race on PitSkill, or you’ve been racing here since the start!
Double Dash Daily (2x15min Races)
Register here:
The daily double dash is a continuation of the GT3 Amateurs Double Dash, aimed at those drivers who are a Rookie licence and above to get into some quick sprint races before the “Advanced Daily”, with the 2x sprint race format, allowing you to gain (or lose) PitRep much quicker, allowing you to get your way up the Licence System!
Note: Both races are in one event; by signing up, you sign up to race BOTH races back to back within the ~1hr period.
Practice: 2min
Quali 1: 10min
Race 1: 15min
Race 2: 15min
Weather Rules & Time Of Day
Fixed Dry
Real Life Timings (UTC)
Europe – 5:15 PM UTC
Americas – 10:15 PM UTC
Advanced Daily (1×45)
Register here:
The Advanced GT3 Daily is back at the same great time, with the Double Dash before it to get experience in battles, the Advanced GT3 Daily is for those who love to practice long stints, perfect for practice for the championships and weekly series!
Practice: 1min
Quali: 15min
Race: 45min
PitStop Rules
Please view the event information for the full breakdown of each event.
Weather Rules & Time of Day
Advanced; changing every week.
Real Life Timings (UTC)
Europe – 6:30 PM UTC
Americas – 12:00 AM UTC

Weekly Series
Mondays – SimQuips ACC Porsche Cup Series
Register here:
The Porsche Cups are back; sponsored once again by SimQuips himself; however with a couple of changes!
- Rankings are now enabled!
- The same format as last season!
- Earlier time slot, it will now run at 18:30 UTC!
Saturdays – Weekend Warrior
Register here:
Saturdays have been home to the Weekend Warrior for 2 Seasons now; however we noticed that the League Format does not suit weekend racing, so we’re turning this into a Series; allowing you to swap your car every round if it so chooses you, sign up to each week once the last week has finished!
The Weekend Warrior is also a DUO/SOLO Series, allowing you to bring a friend and get involved in the races, as well as there are now 2 3HR events in the series, points are scored on an individual basis, so it doesn’t matter what team you drive for as the winners are chosen by the individual points!

GT3 VIP Trophy Changes
The GT3 World Challenge has been re-branded to the GT3 VIP Trophy, this is due to it having limited (50) slots in a season, allowing us to ensure those that drive up understand they need to take part in as many rounds as possible, otherwise, they’re taking slots away from other drivers, as well as helping us give benefit to those that support the platform!
- Time penalties can now be protested; this means that whenever an event is finished, the results are provisional and can be subject to change based on protested outcomes.
- Slots are provided on a first-come, first-serve basis, meaning if you want a permanent slot in the championship, you must register quick.
- 3 Dropped Rounds – Since we’re in “summer season”, the dropped rounds have increased to 3 instead of 2 temporarily.
- Attendance Checks if you fail to sign out before the race starts.
- The first missed event is a -2.5 PitRep Deduction.
- The second missed event is removal from the league as well as another -2.5 PitRep Deduction.
- There have been a number of stewarding changes which can be found at the link below:

GT3 Americas Challenge
Register here:
America’s challenge is back; with a slightly different calendar to the EU Series, but the same great format!
Platform Changes
There have been a number of platform changes and improvements for this season; aiming to improve how we handle leagues, and stewarding, and allow us to keep running by providing more benefits as well as moving some of the benefits around so that VIPs can make the most out of supporting us!
- Team points are now tracked on an individual level. (Thanks Balazs)
- Added the ability to download Public Liveries from PitSkill for external use.
- Added the ability to protest time penalties, as well as change results via time penalties to stewarding.
- Championship cards now show the number of active drivers in the championship.
- Championships now have a new layout to show which events you are signed in, or signed out of.
- Added the ability to restrict a championship to VIP Only.
- Made the championship information much more dynamic.
- Improved registration flow on championships.
- Added the ability to restrict teams based on Licence Class in signups.
- Added team PitRep Calculations.
- Reduced server listings to only show server locations which are available.
- Added VIP level to teams pages.
- Changed Calendars to allow for you to add series & single events in iCal format which is more universally supported.
- Added more information when creating an iCal entry.
- Added Alerts based on whether a series is popular, has open slots or is full.
- Added trophy icons to championships so they’re easily identifiable.
- Add Championship Full check logic.
- Made featured stream more dynamic, allowing for us to feature more streams on the homepage from Twitch if needed.
- Defaulted Results Pages to first race result if found.
- Improved the flow of Stewarding Creation:
- Removed default selection of stewarding type.
- Further explained dropdown values.
- Allowed for time penalties.
- Show whether a Penalty has been applied or not.
- Added an extra grid of team users for Team Admins so it’s easier to see who’s a team admin.
- Fixed an issue with logins not correctly updating.
- Fixed an issue where drivers were able to log in to their old discord account.
- Fixed an issue where bans weren’t getting picked up in registration.
- Fixed the order of cars on the registration to now be by name.
- Fixed an issue where PitRep wasn’t showing correctly if you got exactly 25.
- Fixed an issue where PitRep could go above 25.
- Fixed an issue where clicking the view event wouldn’t clear the notification.
- Added quality-of-life improvements for event admins.
- Updated partner information.
- Removed SimRacing.gp from supported platforms.
- Fixed scoping issue for event admins.
- Updated Licence “Pills” to show correct information based on licence level/format.
- Added Holding Pages to currently unused pages.
- Updated wording on how to create a team/join a team.
- Updated wording and added better UX to the livery selection popup.
- Improve performance site-wide.
- Close registration to events earlier than the start date of the event to stop drivers from signing up when the event is booting.
- Improved performance of notification loading.
- Moved Livery Slots downwards, Bronze with 1, Silver with 2 etc.
- Updated Support Us Page with correct VIP Benefits
- Add information on downloading PitSync to see other liveries when selecting custom liveries.
- Update registration button logic
- Updated FAQ with extra information.
- Improved information on VIP Benefits.